Twitter ... I don't know quite what to say about Twitter. The only reason we opened our Twitter account is because that's what we thought we had to do. Never in a million years did I think I would ever have a Twitter account; but we wanted to market the shop and it seemed like Twitter was a "must-have" thing to do. We had no idea who would follow us, how to get followers, or what we'd actually say.
To think back to those first days, it was kinda scary. By nature, I am an extremely shy person and always have been. To this day, I still struggle with tweets. Always a little hesitant as to whether or not what I have to say has any merit or would just come off as silly. (FYI .. social anxiety sucks!)
It wasn't until we got TweetDeck that Twitter changed for us. We started basically chatting with our followers and those we followed. We made friends ... but wait, wasn't Twitter supposed to be all about marketing?? We've made friends with such a broad range of people and it's been so rewarding! Now, I logon to Twitter to see what our friends have to say .. to keep in touch .. to say HI and see what's new. Yes, we still market some but it's so much more than that. We've me people we never would have met otherwise and now I couldn't imagine a day without Twitter. Crazy!!
Not only are our Twitter friends fun to talk to but most have super cool Etsy shops! Here's just a few of the items you can find ...
I can't wait to see who we "meet" next!